Meeting on APA implementation, future work plan of BEPZA

Suraiya Begum, ndc, Secretary of PMO presiding over a meeting on future work plan of BEPZA, progress of Annual Performance Agreement (APA), challenges faced by the organization and overall activities of it at BEPZA, Dhaka office recently. Major General Mo
Suraiya Begum, ndc, Secretary of PMO presiding over a meeting on future work plan of BEPZA, progress of Annual Performance Agreement (APA), challenges faced by the organization and overall activities of it at BEPZA, Dhaka office recently. Major General Mo
Economic Reporter :
A meeting was held between Prime Minister’s Office and Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) on Wednesday at BEPZA Complex in Dhaka presided over by Suraiya Begum, ndc, Secretary of Prime Minister’s Office.
This meeting discusses on future work plan of BEPZA, progress of Annual Performance Agreement (APA), challenges faced by the organization and overall activities of BEPZA. Major General Mohd Habibur Rahman Khan, ndc, psc, the Executive Chairman, BEPZA delivered welcome speech in the meeting.
This special meeting arranged with BEPZA officials in a view to discuss on the progress of APA and activities of BEPZA to implement Vision-2021.
A discussion has been held in this meeting on Key Performance Indicator of APA for the fiscal year 2015-16 signed between Prime Minister’s Office and BEPZA. Secretary of PMO gave instructions how to overcome challenges of BEPZA and also advised to put emphasize on backward linkage industry including more uses of local raw materials. She optimist that BEPZA will take up a role to achieve Sustainable Development Goal as it as in Millennium Development Goal.
Mr. Md. Shawkat Nabi, Secretary of BEPZA presented the success and overall scenario of Bangladesh EPZ Authority through power point presentation. Secretary Suraiya Begum delighted to know that among the total workforce of EPZs 65 percent is woman. She emphasizes to implement women empowerment in management level including different stages of position not only in workers level. She said, ‘BEPZA strengthening the economic base of the country through secured investment friendly environment, employment and boost up industrialization and export growth. Now Bangladesh is recognized as ‘Bonanza for the Investors’ to the international investors. In spite of adverse situation in industrial sector of the country, scenarios of EPZs are brightening; that is why BEPZA is a brand in global market because of peaceful industrial friendly working environment in low cost production base.’ Secretary Suraiya Begum said BEPZA established a unique example in economic development of the country through local and foreign investment and also in export.
BEPZA has proven efficiency particularly in the field of investment, women employment, workers welfare and recognition in global market. She also said BEPZA is a pioneer of modern industrial and its success pave the way to create more industrial enclave in the country for the investors.