Interim govt before election: Meeting of 7-politoical parties held to form new alliance


News Desk :
Seven political parties in Bangladesh will form an anti-government alliance to force the ruling party to form an interim government ahead of the upcoming general electionschedule to be held in 2023.
The top leaders of the seven political parties held a meeting at the GonoshasthayaKendrain the capital on Thursday, according media reports. Top leaders of JSD, Biplobi Workers Party, NagarikOikya, GanaOdhikarParishad, BhasaniAnusariParishad, RashtraSanskar Andolan and Gana Sanghati Andolan were present at the meeting that lasted for at least two hours.
According to leaders of the political parties who participated in the meeting, they have agreed that the next election will not be free and fair in the light of the current political reality of the country. Besides, the participating leaders have agreed to demand elections under an interim government through the resignation of the present government.
According to sources, the meeting was attended among others by JSD President ASM Rabb, Biplobi Workers Party General Secretary SaifulHaque, NagarikOikya President Mahmudur Rahman Manna, GonoAdhikarParishad Member Secretary NurulHaqueNur, BhasaniAnusariParishad leader Dr. Jafrullah Chowdhury, HasnatQayyum of RashtraSanskar Andolan and Jonaid Saki, the chief coordinator of the Gana Sanghati Andolan.
When asked, JSD president ASM Abdur Rob said, “The meeting agreed not to hold elections under this government and to hold elections under a non-party-neutral government.” In line with this position, efforts to form greater political unity with all opposition political parties will continue.”
Asked about the meeting, Jonaid Saki, chief coordinator of theGana Sanghati Andolan, said “We, like-minded parties, have been trying to form a political platform for a long time. We discussed this at the meeting.
