Meditating at home

Keep these things in mind

Weekend Plus Desk :
editating is a therapeutic experience and guarantees wholesome benefits for the mind, body and soul. While some prefer to practice the traditional healing technique in a guided place with help from an expert, others may choose to do it in the comfort of their home.
If you are a beginner or doing it all by yourself, it can get pretty overwhelming knowing what is right and what is not and keep you away from working on the goal in mind. That being said, here are certain things you should keep in mind before starting the exercise.
Define a space earmarked for meditation
Be it your home or a class, you need to have a designated space to relax. While you can meditate sitting in the comfort of your bed, if you choose to do it on the floor or a separate room, ensure that you do not have any distractions. Ideally, you should be alone with your thoughts, in a calm environment where there is space for natural light and air to come in. If you can, try and choose a room where there is not a lot of activity or chores taking place.
Fix a time for yourself
One of the biggest shortcomings of meditating at home can be when you find it difficult to concentrate. There should be a specific time you should choose to meditate. Make a schedule for yourself. For starters, try and prioritise meditation and set aside 10 minutes in the morning to meditate. This way, you will get into a habit and thereon stick to a schedule and not forget your priority.
Get the right materials
CDs, DVDs, meditating beads and related props – all accessories and support need to be in place before you start your class. Just because you do it all by yourself doesn’t mean you can’t do it right. Using the right props can take your meditation game to the next level and ensure that you harness all necessary benefits from the medium.
Be mindful of the posture
A lot of people commit this mistake thinking that meditation is just for mind cleansing and ignore the posture. Remember, like you would have a teacher guiding you in the class, the same way, you have to be mindful about your posture when you are doing it alone. It is best to be in a comfortable position- be it on the chair, floor or even the bed. The ultimate aim should be on concentration.
Start by keeping small goals
Once you start meditating, it can get pretty intimidating and take a while to see the actual results. Remember, meditation takes a while to work and it is important to set realistic, small goals when you are doing it all by yourself. Once you gain the momentum, get in sync, you will be in a better position to sustain your practice and see the results which you want to see. In the end, your meditative class should be focussed on the quality and not the length.
