Assured of talks with Govt soon: Medical aspirants break hunger strike

Medical admission seekers continue hunger strike for the second day on Thursday in front of Central Shaheed Minar reiterating their demand for cancellation of earlier admission results and take fresh test. NN photo
Medical admission seekers continue hunger strike for the second day on Thursday in front of Central Shaheed Minar reiterating their demand for cancellation of earlier admission results and take fresh test. NN photo

Staff Reporter :
The students, seeking retake of medical and dental college admission tests, on Thursday broke their hunger strike after getting assurance from the civil society members to negotiate the matter with government high-ups.
Columnist Syed Abul Maksud and Professor of Economics department at Jahangirnagar University Anu Muhammad went to the Central Shaheed Minar at 6pm and requested the admission seekers to break their fast-unto death.
They told the students that they would arrange a meeting with the government to press home their demand soon.
Keeping faith on Abul Maksud and Professor Anu Muhammad’s assurance, the admission-seekers broke the hunger strike through drinking juice.
Meanwhile, at least seven students were fallen sick since Wednesday morning and they were admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital for treatment.
The medical admission tests were held on September 18. The students have been continuing protests since then urging a retake of the examinations bringing allegations that questions of admission test were leaked.
However, the government remained indifferent, saying the allegation of question leak baseless.
