Media’s constructive role sought to end militancy

UNB, Dhaka :
Chief of the Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime (CTTC) Unit of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Md Monirul Islam has urged both the print and electronic media to run reports with caution to help tackle militancy and terrorism.
“The main aim of terrorists is to create panic and draw people’s attention. They try to carry out any attack to get highest media coverage. So, the media’s cooperation in rooting out terrorism is very urgent,” he said.
Monirul, also a DMP additional commissioner, was speaking at a views-exchange meeting on ‘Role of media in preventing extremism’ at the Jatiya Press Club on Saturday.
Citing the series
bombings carried out in 63 districts across the country in 2005, he said militants’ aim was to inform people about their presence.
The CTTC unit chief also said militants think they need the help of media for several reasons like admitting their responsibility for any incident, informing people about their existence, creating panic, intimidating them and sending out their messages.