Media role vital to forge social movement against corruption

City Desk :
Mass-media both print and electronic ones can play a vital role in forging a social movement against institutional corruption for building a prosperous Bangladesh. Community participation in the anti-corruption campaign has become an urgent need for building mass-opinion against the social menace. The observations came yesterday at a view-sharing meeting with journalists titled “Role of News Media in Social Movement against Corruption” held in the office of Committee of Concerned Citizens (CCC) in Rajshahi. CCC, an inspired organization of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB), organized the meeting with main thrust of sensitizing the media personnel on how to build mass-opinion against corruption. CCC President Prof Abdus Salam addressed the meeting as focal person while its member Akbarul Hassan Millat and TIB Area Manager Mahmud Ali supplemented him.
During his concept paper presentation, Mamun-Or Rashid, programme manager of TIB, highlighted the importance of media responsibility towards achieving the number 16 of Sustainable Development Goals. Among others, journalists Mustafizur Rahman Khan, Rashed Ripon, Sharif Suman, Monjuara Khatun and Any Day shared their views and experiences on the issue.
Various issues like ensuring good governance everywhere in society and mass-media for welfare of the public in general were discussed elaborately in the meeting.
The discussants laid importance on creation of awareness among the mass people, especially the young generation, to eliminate corruption from society. They discussed and devised ways and means to free the society from the curse. The media personnel unanimously said though elimination of corruption is very difficult task, nevertheless, we have to work together to reduce corruption.
Prof Salam called upon the media to come forward in support of the anti-corruption campaign. All quarters should have to launch a fight against corruption that hinders economic progress. Institutional corruptions must be checked first before taking lawful action against a person who involved in corruption willingly or unwillingly. An anti-corruption sentiment should be created among the young generation of the country so that they can lead the nation in future to a proper direction for economic emancipation of the people.
Besides, he mentioned that local level corruption could be reduced to a greater extent through ensuring a transparent, accountable and responsive administration together with free flow of information.