Media in the US politics

Americans realized early on that easy access to information would be fundamental to the proper functioning of their new democracy. They would not be able to make sound decisions about candidates and policies without it. To be effective, moreover, this information would have to be readily available and widely distributed.
The answer was newspapers. America’s first daily paper appeared in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1783. By 1800, Philadelphia had six dailies; New York City had five; Baltimore, Maryland, had three; and Charleston, South Carolina, had two, with almost 250 other papers, most of them weeklies, scattered around the country. By 1850, there were 2,000 papers, including 200 dailies.
The independent obduracy of journalists has caused conflict with many American politicians from the country’s earliest days. George Washington wrote in 1792 that “if the government and the officers of it are to be the constant theme for newspaper abuse, and this too without condescending to investigate the motives or the facts, it will be impossible, I conceive, for any man living to manage the helm or to keep the machine together.” On the other hand, politicians have recognized the media’s crucial role in keeping the electorate informed.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1787 that “were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”
Radio became important to politics in 1924, when the proceedings of the national political party conventions were first broadcast live. In that year, the parties began paying for radio advertisements – the Republicans spent $120,000; the Democrats, $40,000. Four years later, expenditures by the two parties had leaped to a million dollars, beginning the upward spiral in campaign spending that has accelerated in recent years.
George Gallup began conducting public opinion polls in 1934, starting with small samples in key districts. He believed that these polls would provide “a swift and efficient method by which legislators, educators, experts and editors, as well as ordinary citizens throughout the length and breadth of the country, can have a more reliable measure of the pulse of democracy.” Today, polling has become far more sophisticated as questioning has been refined by experience, and analysis has been aided by the introduction of modern technology. In spite of occasional errors, polling is generally considered to be an effective way to keep track of public opinion.
The first television broadcast of a political convention came in 1940, with an audience of 100,000 viewers. By the 1950s, television was reaching one-third of America’s households. The two parties spent $3.5 million on television ads during the 1952 campaign, with the Republicans continuing to outspend the Democrats by a large margin. The 1960 Kennedy-Nixon debates clinched the crucial role of television in modern campaigning.
Cable television has allowed vastly increased public scrutiny of government itself. Every minute of U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate sessions plus a number of congressional committee meetings are televised by the nongovernmental C-SPAN channels. State and local governments likewise broadcast meetings of legislatures, councils and boards to their constituents.
Citizens have more ways than ever to get news about their governments. While the number of newspapers is shrinking, the survivors continue to report local, national and international news online, providing important scrutiny of government while trying to find ways of remaining profitable in the digital age. People have long taken for granted getting news from radio and television reporters. Now citizen journalists can bring neglected news stories to their community through online blogs.