Media coop in containing population growth sought

City Desk :
Health experts at an awareness building meeting have sought cooperation of the media workers in containing population growth rate by creating social awareness to intensify family planning activities.
The District Family Planning Department, Rangpur organised the meeting as part of an awareness building campaign on family planning, maternal and child health affairs issues for media workers at conference room of Rangpur Sadar Hospital in the city yesterday. Deputy Director of the District Family Planning Department Dr Shafikul Islam presided over the meeting participated by a large number of working journalists from the print, electronic and online media. Deputy Director of the Local Government for Rangpur Sultana Parveen attended the meeting, arranged with assistance of the Information Education, Motivation (IEM) Unit of the Directorate General of Family Planning, as the chief guest.
Health expert Dr Sheikh Md Saiful Islam and Medical Officer of the Civil Surgeon’s Office Dr Nazmul Islam also addressed the meeting moderated by ATM Nazmul Huda.
Representative of the IEM Unit of the Directorate General of Family Planning Anjuman Ara Begum discussed about concept of smaller families, safe motherhood and care for newborn babies, anti-natal care, nutrition and effects of child marriage and other issues.