Meat production rises 7 times in a decade

Business Desk :
The annual meat production increased by seven times in the last nine years making the country self-sufficient in meat production after the government took various measures to boost the country’s livestock sector.
“The total meat production was 71.54 lakh metric tonnes in fiscal 2016-2017, which was 60.74 lakh metric tonnes more comparing to the fiscal 2008-09. The total meat production was 10.80 lakh metric tonnes in fiscal 2008-09,” director general of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) Dr Md Ainul Haque said.
There was 0.19 lakh metric tonnes surplus meat after meeting the country’s annual demand in 2016-17 fiscal, he said, adding that there was no need of importing cattle for meeting the meat demand over the last three years.
The number of cattle stood at 5,47,45,000 in 2016-17 fiscal while it was 4,95,58,000 in fiscal 2008-09, Haque said, adding that the country produced 51,87,000 cattle more in the last nine years.
“Cattle meat is one of the important elements to meet protein demand. We have already achieved sufficiency in meat production with the support from the government,” the DG said.
Simultaneously, he said, the country has also achieved a marked progress in producing eggs and milk.
Employment opportunities for about 5 lakh new people are being created in the growing sector each year, Haque said, adding that 20 percent of the country’s total employment directly depends on the livestock sector.
The DG said after expanding the artificial breeding programme across the country, it has been possible to bring about 45 percent of the reproductive cattle under the programme and transform 50 percent of the total cattle into hybrid varieties.
On average, he said, the daily milk production of per hybrid cow and Friesian hybrid cow under the artificial breeding programme has increased to 15 litres and 40 littres respectively.
The weight of the bulls has increased to 500 kg from 400 kg, he said.
Haque said there was no need of importing cattle for the last three years to meet the demand of sacrificial animals during the Eid-ul-Azha.
Officials of the Livestock Department said by importing frozen semen of cent percent Brahman variety, the DLS is implementing a meaty variety cow production programme at 125 upazilas under 48 districts to produce beef breed of hybrid varieties aiming to meeting the growing demand of protein and sacrificial animals.
Under the programme, an artificial breeding laboratory and bull station was up at Savar in Dhaka.