Md Mustafizur Rahman Ujjal, Head of ADC of City Bank and Zakaria Swapan, CEO of iPay Systems Ltd, exchanging an agreement signing document at the bank’s corporate office in the city recently. Masudul Haque Bhuiyan, Head of Cards of the Bank and Raihan Faiz Osmani, Head of Merchants of iPay, among others, were present. Under the deal, customers of the Bank will be entitled to get the benefit of transferring money from their account to any of their personal iPay wallet using Citytouch.

Md Mustafizur Rahman Ujjal, Head of ADC of City Bank and Zakaria Swapan, CEO of iPay Systems Ltd, exchanging an agreement signing document at the bank's corporate office in the city recently. Masudul Haque Bhuiyan, Head of Cards of the Bank and Raihan Fa
Md Mustafizur Rahman Ujjal, Head of ADC of City Bank and Zakaria Swapan, CEO of iPay Systems Ltd, exchanging an agreement signing document at the bank's corporate office in the city recently. Masudul Haque Bhuiyan, Head of Cards of the Bank and Raihan Fa

