Corporate Focus: Md. Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, inaugurating its Business Development Conference of Bogra Zone at a local hotel on Saturday. The meeting was presided by Head of AIBL Bogra Zone Md Abul Basher. Managers, Second Officers and related officials form branched of Bogra zone participated on the conference.

Md. Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, inaugurating its Business Development Conference of Bogra Zone at a local hotel on Saturday. The meeting was presided by Head of AIBL Bogra Zone Md Abul Basher. Managers, Second Officers
Md. Habibur Rahman, Managing Director of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd, inaugurating its Business Development Conference of Bogra Zone at a local hotel on Saturday. The meeting was presided by Head of AIBL Bogra Zone Md Abul Basher. Managers, Second Officers

