Md. Abdur Rahim, Executive Director (SMESPD) of Bangladesh Bank, poses for a photograph with the participants of a training course on “Creating Awareness and Open Loan Distribution Ceremony to the 10 Taka account holders” organized by United Commercial Bank Limited at Maizdee Court Sadar recently. Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, AMD of UCB, Md. Ismail Hossain, DMD of Janata Bank and Mahmudul Ameen Masud, GM of Agrani Bank Limited, among others were also present.

Md. Abdur Rahim, Executive Director (SMESPD) of Bangladesh Bank, poses for a photograph with the participants of a training course on "Creating Awareness and Open Loan Distribution Ceremony to the 10 Taka account holders" organized by United Commercial
Md. Abdur Rahim, Executive Director (SMESPD) of Bangladesh Bank, poses for a photograph with the participants of a training course on "Creating Awareness and Open Loan Distribution Ceremony to the 10 Taka account holders" organized by United Commercial

