Md. Abdul Mannan, State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Planning, handed over a crest and tax card to Babu Subodh Ranjan Das as the highest tax payer of Narshingdi District recently in the city. Md. Nojibur Rhaman, Chairman of National Board of Revenue was also present on the occasion.

Md. Abdul Mannan, State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Planning, handed over a crest and tax card to Babu Subodh Ranjan Das as the highest tax payer of Narshingdi District recently in the city. Md. Nojibur Rhaman, Chairman of National Board of Revenue
Md. Abdul Mannan, State Minister, Ministry of Finance and Planning, handed over a crest and tax card to Babu Subodh Ranjan Das as the highest tax payer of Narshingdi District recently in the city. Md. Nojibur Rhaman, Chairman of National Board of Revenue

