Meeting over CCC development progs held: Mayor’s ultimatum to inform about dev of projects

CCC Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin addressing the coordination meeting of CCC at the Conference Room on Sunday.
CCC Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin addressing the coordination meeting of CCC at the Conference Room on Sunday.
BSS, Chattogram :
Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) Mayor A J M Nasiruddin on Sunday gave different public utility departments 15 days ultimatum to inform about the developments of various ongoing projects. City Mayor AJM Nasir Uddin told this to newsmen after a coordination meeting at its conference room this afternoon.
The city mayor said different public utility departments have taken up the various development projects but it is well-nigh impossible to implement the projects without strong coordination among the organisations.
He told the journalists the coordination meeting adopted a set of recommendations so that the city residents must not suffer for developments works.
He opined that the sufferings of the City dwellers had been mounted due to lack of coordination of the different organisations.
The Mayor also reminded the directives of the Prime Minister’s office for coordination among the public organisations.
The mayor said re-excavation of cannel expansion, development projects for removal of water logging from the port city, save Halda river from river pollution, construction of bus truck terminal, hill management, prominently came up in the coordination meeting.
Managing Director of Chattogram WASA Engineer AKM Fazlulah, President of Chattogram Chamber of Commerce and Industries Mahbubul Alam, CCC chief executives Mohammad Shamsuddaha, CCC Chief Engineer Lieutenant Colonel Mohiuddin Ahmed and representatives from different public utility departments were, among others, attended the meeting.
It may be mentioned that the organisations like WASA, T & T, Gas Company and PDB dig out the roads of the city irregularly that create problems of the people.
The Mayor asked the representatives of the different organisations to extend cooperation to carry out the development projects of the city properly.
The representatives also assured the CCC Mayor to extend their cooperation.
The Mayor apprised the participants of the meeting of the development projects of the City Corporation estimated more than taka 30 billion.