May to discuss trade, NATO in WH with Trump

AP, London :
British Prime Minister Theresa May says she will discuss free trade and the importance of the NATO military alliance when she meets President Donald Trump in Washington on Friday.
May is set to become the first foreign leader to meet with the new president. She said Sunday she looks forward to expanding the “special relationship” between the U.S. and Britain.
She told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that the Trump administration is interested in a good trade deal with Britain despite its stated “America first” policy.
May says Trump values NATO even though he has spoken critically of the alliance.
The prime minister did not directly answer questions about whether she would challenge Trump on some of the comments he has made about women.
She earlier criticized him for derogatory comments.
May is due to meet Trump in Washington on Friday and said she would use the opportunity to discuss the future trading relationship between the United States and Britain, as well as NATO and challenges such as defeating terrorism.
Thousands of women took to the streets of European capitals on Saturday to protest against Trump, particularly comments he has made which were seen as demeaning of women.