May defends delays on China-backed nuclear project

AFP, Hangzhou :
British Prime Minister Theresa May on Sunday defended her decision to delay a partly Beijing-backed nuclear power project, despite it causing diplomatic tensions, as she arrived in China for a G20 summit.
Beijing has a one-third stake in the plan to build Britain’s first nuclear plant in decades at Hinkley Point in southwest England, along with French company EDF.
May unexpectedly delayed the project in July after EDF gave it a green light, but gave no clear reason.
“The way I work is that I don’t just take an instant decision. I actually look at the evidence, take the advice, consider it properly, and then come to a decision,” May said at a press conference.
“I’ve been very clear that I will be doing that and will be taking a decision sometime this month,” she added.
May has reportedly suspended the project on national security grounds, echoing fears which caused Australia to block a major electricity grid deal with a Chinese consortium last month.
Critics cite the enormous cost of the o18-billion (21-billion-euro, $23-billion) project as well as security concerns about the involvement of China’s major energy group CGN.