May Day

How much rights are enjoyed by the workers?


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The pride & glory of May Day will never fade. With the hope to liberate the workers’ class from deprivation, the 1st May is celebrated in the whole world. This celebration is not confined only to the labour class. Rather, it has become a universal event now. The spirit of the day has reduced discrimination & creating path of equalization and human civilization. Bangladesh is also in the process of this exercise.
May Day is a day of all labourers and workers. They enjoy the day as of their own. They celebrate the day with high exaltation. But the greedy capitalists do not like to celebrate the day. Bangladesh was born with the progressive concept but no mentionable changes are yet to take place for the workers class. Today May Day has become just formalities; it is observed only for observation. Now it has become a political showdown & flattery business. We see the bad intention of some people where the workers are only used and sometimes abused.
Though May Day is internationally recognized, its significance is ignored. And its importance is less taken. Virtually this day is a day of sacrifice, glory & struggle. This day is a Milestone & red Letter day to all workers of the world. The workers are being dignified & honoured only for this day. The workers had protested against ill treatment; duty hours and about their legal rights. And in the long run it was achieved. The workers & the toiling masses from generation to generation are contributing for their own country. But it was always ignored.
The workers produce the industrial products but the industrialists, capitalize their products. They are only used as a tool of their capital. They are rather being oppressed. It is really a matter of misfortune that this worker’s class is always considered helpless. Only they are treated as the slave. But this mind-set has been changed now. There are many records in the history that no legal rights ended in smoke. The present worker classes are not the back benchers in the society as it was in the past.
The basic needs of human mankind are equally applicable to a worker. This must be ensured from the owners or authority side. The developed countries are doing that. There lies the labour dignity in those countries. In the 21st century, how much rights are enjoyed by the workers? In the present socio-economic and political aspect the workers’ interest must be considered. Because, the workers are the assets of the country and they are our pride too. We are in the advanced economy only for them.
For this reason, they should not be neglected. Our Prime Minister has given importance to our farmers. We must also agree with our Prime Minister in this regard. A construction worker and a rickshaw-puller take pain and work hard, but their remuneration and wages are not befitting. They should be looked into and taken to consideration. We are to bear in mind that we will have to live for better humanity. It is noted that, in garment sectors of Bangladesh, a terrible disaster took place at Rana Plaza of Savar. As a result of bad situations 1127 lives were lost, 2500 were rescued and many were wounded. Five years have been passed after the occurrence but no mentionable changes have yet taken place. People’s lives are not secured and many garment factories are being damaged and called off due to sabotage. Many workers are unemployed.
Now this doesn’t give a positive signal to the significance of noble May Day. There are workers’ agitations with very trivial issue. And with an ill motive things are broken and razed to fire. Again fire took place in buildings and hundreds of workers die. These are repeatedly taking place. As a result, garments are made lay off and closed. Even there are affects and damages in our national life. This is not accepted and expected. It is hopeful that we have overcome by the cooperation from home and abroad.  
In May Day, the children rights are also raised along with the labour rights but the sad reality is that our society is not so serious about the development of the children. Child development is not followed by any code. Moreover many children are involved in risky jobs. In order to make the day a success, children must be refrained from doing risky jobs. In present world, the workers are the root of progress and civilisation. What is more deserving and glorious than anything to a worker? From this realisation, the intellectuals are appreciating the workers value. So, the labour issue is at the top. They can’t be resisted by any way.
Though there are the Constitutional instruction, the proprietorship, control of production machinery, production system and distribution policy have been snatched away from the hands of people. Many State-run organisations have been sieged and handed over to private channels. Farmers, workers and the non-advanced class are still under pressure and exploitation. The workers are being deprived of getting the due commissions. The women workers are also bereft of getting due shares and made difference.
It is learnt that, there are a large number of workers, in the labor market and they are deceived by the capitalists. The business operators and owners are taking the chance. In some cases, the labour organisation and trade unions try to negotiate or settle disputes but no result is gained. Ultimately the workers become handicapped and humanity gets distorted. If workers are well privileged, economic condition of country will improve. If labour rights are established and their interest is uphold mass people will be benefitted. Society will be ideal, resourceful, and peaceful. Gradually sufferings will be removed.
The poor will be enlightened. Society will be civilized. There will be no more anarchy, chaos, confusion, discrimination and discomforts. Bangladesh will be spot-free and there will be no bad name or image crises. In the long run, Bangladesh will be self-reliant, happy and prosperous. Let us join our hands to keep up the dignity of labour and resist corruption and make our Bangladesh a strong and advanced country.

(Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed; Writer, Columnist & Researcher)
