Master plan to free 5 rivers on cards


State Minister for Shipping Khaled Mahmud Chowdhury declared that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina had embarked upon a multidimensional initiative to infuse dynamism into the country’s premier sea port, Chattogram.
He said a master plan has been drafted to free the five rivers, Karnaphuli, Balu, Turag, Shitalakhya and Buriganga from all sorts of pollution which will be implemented in the next ten years.
“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to approve the master plan within a day or two “the state minister said this on Monday while talking to journalists after exchanging views with Chattogram port officials.
He said vested quarters had been encroaching the rivers from the last century even gangsters had set up power plants, illegally on the bank of the rivers.
Khaled said the present government had been striving hard to implement its pre-election pledge to turn Chattogram port into a leading port of the world.
“All illegal structures including power plants must be evicted and there will be zero tolerance, ” the minister asserted.
Khaled said country’s premier sea port Chattogram is running well and there is nothing to be worried about but there must be a chain of command at the port.
The state minister warned that that all CBA leaders must not be present in all functions excepting the president and secretary.
“We are sincere and amiable to all your legitimate demands as you are the assets and indispensable part of the port “he said.
