Massive approaches to ensure rights of disabled emphasized

City Desk :
Speakers at a seminar on Thursday underscored the need for taking massive approaches to protect the rights of persons with disabilities and to engage them with the mainstream of the society to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“Only government steps cannot ensure all rights of challenged people. NGOs and other stakeholders should work in an integrated way to this end,” Convener of Parliamentary Caucus on Disability Advocate Abdul Matin Khasru, MP, told a seminar titled “Disability and SDGs: Bangladesh” at the CIRDAP auditorium in the city.
Disability Alliance on SDGs organised the seminar while member of General
Economics Division of Planning Commission Professor Dr Shamsul Alam and Vice-President Parliamentary Caucus on National Planning and Budget Kazi Rozi addressed it as special guests.
Executive Director of Access Bangladesh Foundation Albert Mollah presented the keynote paper in the seminar while Dr Nafisur Rahman, a right activist
working on disabilities, presented another paper titled “Voluntary National
Reviews on SDGs in Bangladesh: Issues and Concerns of Persons with Disabilities”.
Khasru, also presidium member of Awami League, stressed the need for effective participation of persons with disabilities for the implementation of all steps taken by the government and other stakeholders for ensuring rights of the persons with disabilities.
“Social outlook towards the persons with disabilities should be changed.
Media can play an important role in this regard” he added.
Khasru said the government has taken initiatives to arrange the academic curriculum of schools and colleges in such a way that can help change the point of view of students towards the persons with disabilities.
While presenting his paper, Dr Nafisur Rahman underscored the need for making a comprehensive database and statistics to identify the number of persons with disabilities living under the national and international poverty lines to help address their problems and take proper steps to ensure rights of these people.
In his keynote speech, Albert Mollah laid stress on ensuring reflection of disability indicators in the country’s Development Results Framework. He also suggested integrating disability issues in the Annual Performance Agreement (APA) system of the government ministries, divisions and departments.
Nasim Aktar, a participant, said the country’s public transport, toilets and washrooms of different intuitions and organisations should be made disabled persons friendly.
