Mass awareness to clean city emphasised


Staff Reporter :
Speakers at a discussion on Saturday emphasised on create awareness among the people of Dhaka City to make the city clean.
 “Awareness among the people is a must for making the city clean. It will be an excellent job if we can do it. We also could save the city from destroy,” they said.
The speakers said this at a discussion titled “Let’s clean” in the office of Ward No-3 Councillor of the Dhaka North City Corporation.
Confirm Development Association (CDA), a social welfare organisation, organised the discussion.
Councillor of Ward No-3 Md Kazi Johirul Islam was present at the programme as the chief guest while CDA President Al Amin Golder presided over discussion.
About two hundred youths took part in the programme.
The youths also vowed to work for creating awareness among the people.
