Mass-awareness on reducing road accidents stressed

BSS, Rajshahi :
Administrative and police officials at a post-rally discussion here unanimously observed that strict enforcement of traffic rules besides creating wide-ranging mass-awareness has become an urgent need to reduce road accidents.
They mentioned that the country experiences over 5,000 road accidents in every year claiming over 4,000 lives and injuring many others. The total loss of properties in the accidents is estimated over Taka 5000 crore which is 2 percent of the country’s total GDP.
They were addressing the discussion titled “Road Safety and Mass-awareness raising” held at Nanking Darbar Hall in the city yesterday. Rajshahi Circle of Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) and Deputy Commissioner Office jointly organized the discussion.
Additional Commissioner of Rajshahi division Aminul Islam addressed the meeting as the chief guest with Deputy Commissioner Kazi Ashraf Uddin in the chair.
Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police Amir Jafar and Superintendent of Police Moazzem Hossain Bhuiyan spoke as special guests.
Around 300 persons comprising government officials, human right activists,leaders of road transport workers and representatives of transport owners associations were present at the discussion.
The speakers mentioned that the driver alone isn’t responsible for any accident but other reasons like frequent movement of the pedestrians are equal responsible.
They underlined the need for a strict enforcement of laws together with collective efforts of all to reduce road accidents significantly. Enhancement of competence and awareness of the professional drivers and others concerned is very important to this end.
Chief Guest Aminul Islam observed that road accidents could have reduced substantially if the authorities concerned had discharged duties properly while providing driving licenses and fitness certificates.
He told the meeting that the government has taken initiative to launch
training institute in all districts of the country so that the drivers and refreshers can get proper training round the year.
Step has also been taken to incorporate the issue of road accident and its causes and prevention ways in the course-curriculum besides other various programs to reduce the country’s road accidents by 50 percent within the next 15 years, he added.