Mass awareness for reducing road accidents underscored


Enhancing mass awareness along with ensuring safer use of roads, professional skill of the drivers and strict enforcement of traffic rules can reduce the extent of road accidents saving thousands of human lives annually.
The opinion came at an awareness building views-sharing meeting organised by Rangpur district police administration with drivers and their assistants for preventing accidents and losses of human lives on the roads and highways at Police Lines School and College auditorium in Rangpur yesterday.
Leaders of the district units of Motor Workers’ Union, Truck, Tank-lorry and Covered Van Workers’ Union, professional vehicle drivers and their assistants participated in the meeting.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) for Rangpur Range of Bangladesh Police Khondker Golam Faruk attended the meeting as the chief guest with Police Super Mizanur Rahman in the chair.
Assistant Director of BRTA Abdul Kuddus, Member-secretary of the divisional and district community policing coordination committees Shushanto Bhowmick, Joint Secretary of District Motor Owners’ Association Azizur Rahman, addressed, among others.
The speakers blamed inadequate skill of some drivers, faulty vehicles without fitness, road conditions, roadside hat-bazaars, using mobile phones while driving as main reasons behind road accidents.
Drying of various crops on the roads, illegal occupation of the roads, lack of adequate awareness among the common people and pedestrians and overtaking on competition basis were the other major causes behind road accidents, they said.
Narrating huge losses of human lives and injuries from road accidents annually, the chief guest laid emphasis on knowing the reasons behind road accidents and proper training of the drivers and properly issuance of driving licenses to avoid road accidents.
He specially suggested the drivers, their assistants, vehicle owners and common people to strictly follow the traffic rules for ensuring better driving on the roads and highways to reduce road accidents and losses of human lives.
