Mask, sanitizers distribution prog held at CUET

Our Correspondent :
As a part of the awareness a ctivities against the endemic Coronavirus, Chittagong University of Enginerng and Technology Staff Association inaugurated the distributions of masks and sanitizers among the university officials and staffs.
Vice-Chancellor of the CUET Prof. Dr. Rafiqul Alam formally inaugurated the distribution programme as chief guest yesterday morning. President of the Staff association Md. Jamaluddin presided over the inaugural session duly attended by Registrar Prof. Dr. Farukuzzaman as special guest.
The chief guest in his brief deliverations said Coronavirus is a global epidemic and almost all countries of the world are affected with this virus.
 He called upon the members of the CUET family to obey the govt directives of health regulations and use of mask and hand sanitizer all along to save himself as well as the nation.