Marxism and its universal appeal


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Karl Marx was born in a jews family in the town of Terion, Germany in 1818. He was the third among the nine in his family. At the age of 6, his family converted to Christianity in order to adjust with the German society. He had an intention to read literature and philosophy. But his father thought that Marx would not be able to be a scholar. So being disgusted, his father sent him to Berlin University where rules are followed very strictly. There he joined a intellectual group which is anti-personal property fellowed and class system. The party is known as the communist party.
In 1841 after his study from university. Marx prepared a thesis paper on the philosophy of Apecurys. He submitted his Ph.D. in 1841 in the University of Jena instead of Berlin. For he had earned bad name in Berlin for political issues, he left German and later on they started living in London with his comrades’. By this time he was attracted to Hegelian concept and joined to the circle of leftist Hegel. After the completion of his education he wanted to be a professor in Baan university. But German govt. did not allow him to join. He did not stop. He started writing in a journal of Kolon. In 1842 he became the chief editor of this journal. The paper got the Marxist reflection in his hand. At the same time this paper became popular to people. With the increase of popularity, govt. decided to stop the journal and Marx quitted from the journal. Actually Marxism is a concept to the building of exploitation free and resourceful world. Again Marxism is the another name of the strongest tool of workers class in the whole world. In his theory the concept of social analysis has been explained in regards to class struggle and class relationship on historical dialectic materialistic aspect.
In 1848, may revolutions took place throughout the whole Europe. Marx was made captive. Meanwhile the rebels by the support of King Louis Philip of France brought him back to Paris. During this time a revolution took place in Paris and Marx was the direct witness of it. In order to change the whole world be proceeded to establish his concepts and played a very significant and historical role to organize revolutionary struggle as well he was also successful in leading the workers association and communist league. For more than a period of one century and a half he was the most talked personality.
In practical consideration, Marxism is defined to establish a theory of freedom of the workers class against exploitation, superstition, distortion and above all from the slavery by the capitalists. In 19th century this Marxism got the rights of succession in German Philosophy, English Economics and in French communism. Marx brought a balanced thought line in coordination with Hegelian Philosophy, Adam Smith, Recardian theory of Economics and that of 19th century French communism. We have passed 200 years of his birth. After so a long period he has the ability to shake the whole world. His followers are still active in many places of the world. “Either ballot or bullet” is the prime motto of his follower. Nepal and south America are the big example of this ideology. In Bangladesh he has been celebrated. He was very progressive, liberal and unique than that of other philosophers of his time. In his communist manifesto, he raised voice to change the world. The way of change has been interpreted in this manifesto.
Marxist philosophy is a philosophy of humanity. Marx wanted to bring out the labor class by breaking down the capitalist society. In Marx’s era, capitalism was in the core stage of society. Being capitalists, the wealthy class started exploiting the wealth off class. Marx named the wealthy class as the bourgeois and the wealth off class as the proletariat. The proletariat class was covered by the labor class. Social disparity prevailed among the two classes. The bourgeois governed the proletariat and the proletariat was ruled. The main cause of social disparity was for the ownership of private property. Marx finds out the remedy. He wants to make proletariat class free. For making them free, he underscores a change.
He was the real pioneer of humanity and this bears his credential for his contributions in world workers trade union in 1864. He was not a drawing room intellectual or opportunist. Nothing could confine him to luxury. He had his strong aspirations to its freedom of humanity. From the area of philosophy he traveled to other area also like Economics. Biology, Anthropology and all studied and he protested against fundametalism and superstitions of orthodox.
He always advocated for the constant changed philosophy of science. Now-a-days many people would like to term him backdated. But this is not proper from their side. 200 years afterwards Marx is very much appropriate for the present context because many political leaders could seldom analyze the world like him. He could only view the real scenery of profit based capitalistic economics. He could view and present before us capitalism as dynamic, constantly generating new types of production organization and economic institution which is not confined to a single arena, but characterizes all social and economic relations.
He also discovered the theory of surplus price value. The political theory of abusing the power by the stronger over the weakers is never well interpreted by anybody else as he interpreted. As a result the communist as well as the new liberalists of the world read Marx regularly. For all these reasons, Marx is still today so valid and important. The other side of his empowerment was that he could pull the future in the midst of present in a magical way.
Today, we talk much about environment crisis, gender discrimination, modern revenue perceptions and many abuses of science. All these have been depicted in his writings with his far-sightedness.
Marx has been described as one of the most influential figures in human history and work has been both lauded and criticized. His work in economics laid the basis for much of the current understanding of labour and its relation to capital and subsequent economic thought. Many intellectuals. labour unions, artists and political parties worldwide have been influenced by Marx’s work, with many modifying or adapting his ideas. Marx is typical cited as one of the principal architects of modern social science.
The importance of Marxist philosophy did not fade away with the passage of time; even two hundred years later it is rather more prominent than it was earlier. The class difference is vigorous nowadays. On one hand, it is increasing day by day. The wealthy class is still exploiting the wealth off class. Marx’s concept of equality is relevant to erode the class and removing exploitation. Marxism can be a name of relief. By his changing concept, we can change our society and work for the deprived class especially for the labor class. We can free ourselves from the traditional area and think for the improvement of our surroundings.
