Martyred Intellectuals’ Day tomorrow


Staff Reporter :
The Martyred Intellectuals’ Day will be observed in the country tomorrow (Wednesday) commemorating the tragic killing of the valiant sons of the soil just two days before the country’s final victory achieved through a bloody War of Liberation in 1971. The most infamous members of the Razakar, Al-badar and Al- shams bands blindfolded and dragged the best sons of the soil out of their homes in Dhaka on December 14, only two days before the heinous Pakistani barbarian hordes led by General Niazi surrendered on December 16 leading to the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent state.
The Pakistani hyenas brutally tortured them before killing them by bullets and bayonets near Rayerbazar at the fag end of the War of Liberation.
Different socio-political and cultural organisations and the government have chalked out separate programmes to observe the day with due honour to the greatest martyrs whose supreme sacrifice is eternally being regarded as the source of inspiration for all to carry forward the hopes and aspirations of the nation to the future. The national flag will fly at half-mast and black flags will be hoisted atop all national institutions. To mark the Martyred Intellectuals Day, Awami League will hoist black flags and keep the national and party flags at half-mast at Bangabandhu Bhaban and its Central Office and all party offices across the country.
Besides, the programme includes placing of wreaths at Martyred Intellectuals Graveyard at Mirpur at 7.15 am, portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in front of Bangabandhu Bhaban at Dhanmondi 32 at 7.45 am and Rayerbazar Killing Ground at Mohammadpur at 9.30 am.
The party will hold a discussion at Krishibid Institution auditorium at Farmgate Khamarbari in the afternoon.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is expected to chair the discussion while central leaders will join it.
The Dhaka University authorities have chalked out elaborate programmes marking the Martyred Intellectuals Day on December 14. The university’s programmes of Martyred Intellectuals Day included hoisting of black flags at the university’s Vice-Chancellor Bhaban and other important buildings at 6.15am, assemblage of students, teachers, officials and workers at Aparajeya Bangla at 6.30 am at Aparajeyo Bangla and placing wreaths at the graveyard on the premises of university’s central mosque, Jagannath Hall premises’ Smritisoudha, mausoleums at different residential areas at 6.35, a press release said. Later they will proceed towards Martyred Intellectuals Memorial in the city’s Mirpur to pay tributes to the martyred intellectuals.
A discussion will be held at the Teacher-Student Centre at 11am while special prayers will be offered at the Central Mosque and other mosques in residential halls after Johr prayers seeking peace of the souls of martyred. Special prayer will also be offered at the Jagannath Hall Upasanalay of the university.
