Married female students can stay in DU halls


Female students of Dhaka University will be allowed to stay at halls even after marriage, Provost standing committee decided at a meeting on Wednesday.
This will be applicable for pregnant students too.
The decision came hours after a legal notice was served on the university on a long standing rule that bans female students from living in halls if they get married and become pregnant.
However, the final decision is yet to come. The decision that provost standing committee made today, will be sent to Dhaka University’s Syndicate committee, the highest authority of Dhaka University for approval.
“We recommended that married and pregnant can stay at halls. But it is not the final decision.” Prof Lafifa Jamal, provost of Shamsun Nahar hall, said.
“I think student-friendly decisions will be made in Syndicate meeting”, she said
Recently, the residential issue of married and pregnant student’s staying at hall came to light centering two incidents one in Shamsun Nahar hall and the other was in Bangladesh-Kuwait Moitri hall as they were told to get out of hall for being married.
However, those issues were resolved internally.
