Marico together with FBCCI assists 5,000 families of Gazipur with food supplies


Business Desk :
The COVID-19 outbreak has taken its toll on nations across the globe. In Bangladesh the low income demographic particularly is being hit hard by this pandemic. In support of this vulnerable segment of people during this humanitarian crisis, Marico Bangladesh Limited and the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FBCCI) have jointly taken an initiative to provide food relief to 5000 low-income families in Sreepur and Kaliakair Upazilas of Gazipur.
With the help of Gazipur Deputy Commissioner and the local administration, food relief packages will be distributed to each of these 5000 families comprising of rice, lentils, oil, salt, and other necessary food items. Starting on April 23, Thursday, the food distribution will continue throughout the month.
Speaking on this initiative, Ashish Goupal, Managing Director of Marico Bangladesh Limited said, “We are operating factories at Sreepur and Kaliakair for a long time now. We have a close relationship with and a responsibility towards the surrounding community which needs our help. We would like to convey our special thanks to the local administration and the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries for enabling us to carry out this initiative. It is only through our collective efforts that we can win in the fight against COVID 19. This humble initiative is our support towards the local administration in addressing this public health crisis. We are committed to stand beside our employees, consumers and society at large in these trying times.
