Manzoor murder case Time extended for further investigation


Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court on Thursday once again granted two more months to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) so that they can complete their investigation in the Manzoor murder case.
Judge SM Saiful Islam of the First Additional District and Sessions Judge’s Court of Dhaka passed the order after Special Superintendent of CID Abdul Kahhar Akand and Investigation Officer (IO) of the case submitted a petition seeking more time for further investigatio The time petition of Akand says that he visited USA in June last year and recorded the statement of Manzoor’s daughter Lubna Manzoor, but failed to record the statement of Manzoor’s wife as she was sick at that time. Later, her counsel told the IO that he would be informed after her recovery but the lawyer did not inform her anything so far.
HM Ershad, Jatiya Party Chairman and Special Envoy to the Prime Minister, is the main accused in the case. Earlier on January 8 of this year, the same court asked CID to complete the investigation by March 12, 2015.
Major General Manzoor, who was commander of Sector-8 during the Liberation War, was killed in the Chittagong Cantonment on June 1, 1981 after two days of the assassination of the then President Ziaur Rahman.
On February 28 in 1995, after 14 years of the murder, Manzoor’s elder brother Advocate Abul Mansur Ahmed lodged the murder case with Panchlaish Police Station of the port city.
