Many fake accounts in name of Bipasha Hayat in Facebook

Entertainment Report :
While social media has become the main form of communication in the current digital age, for some, the misuse and exploitation of it can be very disturbing and upsetting. An example of the latter is renowned actress and artist Bipasha Hayat. The actress is quite upset as there are over 10 false and fake Facebook accounts in her name. She has absolutely no association with those pages.
Bipasha told this correspondent recently that it has been seen that the fake accounts regularly upload some picture, post statuses which are political, religious or very personal. Overall, it may create controversy. Also, the responses that are received from those statuses are quite disturbing, according to Bipasha Hayat.
Not only have that, but the people who use control those fake accounts also regularly chatted from those accounts. The actress, understandably upset, is concerned that these fake accounts are harming her image. She is most certainly disturbed by it.
While talking in this regard Bipasha Hayat said, “I am very upset and disturbed by the way these fake accounts are creating controversy and harming my image. In many functions, I have been asked about these Facebook activities. I have only one Facebook account and that is my genuine one.”
Many artistes have faced this dilemma of having their names used by false Facebook accounts.
They have requested the authorities concerned to keep a watchful eye on such unscrupulous activities.