Many court staff involved in corruption: AG

Staff Reporter :
Attorney General (AG) Mahbubey Alam on Sunday said that a large number of court officials and employees are “involved in corruption”.
“If this situation continues, it will be difficult for the honest people to preserve their honesty,” he said at a programme organised
 in honour of the new Chief Justice, Syed Mahmud Hossain, in the court number-1 of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court.
 “The most awful matter is that some particular courts have become the courts of some particular lawyers,” the AG added.
Many litigants are maintaining communications with judges’ children and wives, who are practicing as lawyers, thinking that they can win in the cases, if those are moved by them, Mahbubey Alam said.
In the past days, also the relatives and children of the judges were in law profession, but such situation does not prevail, he said.
Our judiciary has been depleted in last few years. The image about the court in the mind of the people has been changed, he added.
The AG said, “Forging of verdict has begun. Some accused are going out of jail preparing false bail papers. So, we have to think seriously, how we can use information technology to tackle this forging.
 “This is truth that the government has lost in the sixteenth amendment case. I think, the government has lost, but the history has won. In the sixteenth amendment case, all the judges cited the name of Bangabandhu as ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’ and they also cited him as the Father of the Nation. The verdict recognised the truth of the history,” he said.