Manwar Hossain, Chairman of BD Finance, presiding over its 20th annual general meeting at BCIC auditorium, Dhaka on Monday. Vice-Chairman Khondker Fazle Rashid, Directors Golam Hafiz Ahmed, Geasuddin Ahmed, Ansar Uddin Ahmed, Md Abul Quasem, Yousuf Aman, Imtiyaj Yousuf and Ihtiaj Yousuf, among others, were present. In the Meeting, the Company declared 10pc stock dividend to its shareholders for the year 2018.

Manwar Hossain, Chairman of BD Finance, presiding over its 20th annual general meeting at BCIC auditorium, Dhaka on Monday. Vice-Chairman Khondker Fazle Rashid, Directors Golam Hafiz Ahmed, Geasuddin Ahmed, Ansar Uddin Ahmed, Md Abul Quasem, Yousuf Aman,
Manwar Hossain, Chairman of BD Finance, presiding over its 20th annual general meeting at BCIC auditorium, Dhaka on Monday. Vice-Chairman Khondker Fazle Rashid, Directors Golam Hafiz Ahmed, Geasuddin Ahmed, Ansar Uddin Ahmed, Md Abul Quasem, Yousuf Aman,