Manuals to construct quake resistant bldgs

UNB, Dhaka :
A team of Japanese experts along with the engineers of Public Works Department (PWD) have prepared six separate manuals for Bangladesh that will help construct earthquake resistant new buildings as well as strengthen vulnerable old buildings.
The manuals were prepared under a project, titled ‘Capacity Development of Natural Disaster Resistant techniques of Construction and Retrofitting for Public Buildings (CNCRP), implemented by Public Works Department (PWD) with technical support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
The manuals were presented at a workshop at the PWD conference room at Purta
Bhaban at Segunbagicha organised by CNCRP project on Monday.
PWD chief engineer Md Kabir Ahmed Bhuiyan inaugurated the workshop as the chief guest, while Senior Representative, JICA Bangladesh Office Hiroyuki Tomita spoke as the special guest.
Under a four-year CNCRP, a team of Japanese experts led by Fumio Kaneko has been transferring retrofitting technology to the engineers of PWD and other public and private organisations since 2011. Retrofitting is a technology that could be used to make a vulnerable building earthquake resistant without demolishing it.
The PWD chief engineer said Bangladesh is not prepared enough to reduce the risk of earthquake because 90 percent of the buildings of Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet being non-engineered due to rapid urbanisation.
Hiroyuki Tomita hoped Japanese technology and experience to make buildings earthquake resistant can help Bangladesh strengthen its vulnerable buildings for avoiding any tragic incident like Rana plaza in the future.
Under the CNCRP, the Japanese expert team has already retrofitted Tejgaon fire station on pilot basis. The team is now working to retrofit one RMG unit in Ashulia. The six manuals are Seismic evaluation of existing reinforced concrete buildings, Seismic retrofit design of existing reinforced concrete buildings, Retrofit construction and supervision of reinforced concrete building, Guideline for quality control of design and construction, Seismic design of reinforced concrete building and Vulnerability assessment and damage prediction of reinforced concrete buildings against non-seismic hazards.