Manpower export: Vow to undo syndicate


Staff Reporter :
Expatriates’ Welfare and Employment Overseas Minister Imran Ahmed on Friday said that he was against forming syndicates for sending manpower to Malaysia.
He said that he was going to Malaysia on Saturday to sign a memorandum of understanding about employment of Bangladeshi manpower in Malaysia on Sunday.
The minister said it while addressing a press briefing in his ministry in the capital on the day. The press briefing was organized on the occasion of International Day of Expatriates to be observed on Deceber18, 2021.
The Expatriates minister said, “I am not in favour of forming any syndicate in this regard.” After taking the responsibility of the ministry, I tried to remove all syndicates and wrong doing by the
manpower recruiting agencies.”
The minister said that he was tired of urging departments concern to reduce costs of plane fare and to address mismanagements in the airports.
“Our ministry has not created any type of anarchy to suffer our migrant workers,” he said.
Replying to queries from journalists, the expatriates minister said, he has repeatedly argued with the authorities of Biman Bangladesh Airlines, Civil Aviation and immigrant department of addressing mishandling on the airports, reducing plane fare and other sufferings.
“But I am tired. I could not solve those problems yet,” he said, advising the journalists to take up the matters with the related authorities.
The minister said also that some people are spreading rumors against his ministry.
Imran Ahmed said, “We have become victims of propagandas. So, everyone should be aware of against the people who are involved with spreading of false and baseless propagandas.”
“Some people are spreading rumors that many are taking money illegally in Dubai. They have mentioned my name also. But no one should believe such rumors,” the minister said.
All of those are for making the total process as questionable, he added. Replying to another question, the minister said, it is not clear yet that Malaysian employers give chances to migrant workers to change workplaces.
“It is the matter of their ends. If they allow then it may be possible, if they disagreed then it is my choice to go there or not,” he said.
Replying to another query, Imran Ahmed said, the mismanagement of renewing expatriates passports should be addressed if the victims submit written complains in that regards.
Meanwhile, Ahmed Munirus Salehin, the Secretary of the Ministry said, if any agency charged extra fees from migrants for sending them to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other countries, they should submit written complains to the ministry.
Earlier, about the minister’s briefing, the Secretary said in his written speech that they had sent a letter to Greece showing interest to send manpower to that country.
Besides, he said, similarly, agreements will be signed with Albania, Malta and Bosnia to send workers.
In addition, sending of manpower to Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Japan, China, Croatia, Senegal, Burundi and Seychelles has been started meanwhile.
