Manpower export to Malaysia resume this month


Reza Mahmud :
Manpower export to Malaysia will start again in this month. The process of has already started through online. The government to government (G to G) agreement on manpower export from Bangladesh to Malaysia was suspended in February last year.
 “Manpower export to Malaysia will resume anytime in this month. The necessary process has already been started,” said Begum Shamsunnahar, the Secretary of the Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment.
Sources said that the Bangladesh government prepared 14.5 lakh eligible workers’ data bank to send then to Malaysia, after signing a G to G agreement in 2012. But the initiative failed. Malaysia government suddenly stopped the process. After that the two countries agreed to start G to G plus process for manpower export from Bangladesh.
Officials of the Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training (BMET) said that they 34 thousand of manpower has been registered to send to Malaysia under the G to G agreement. Among them, around 10 thousand were sent to Malaysia by February 2016.
The people are keen to go the country have been waiting for long. Many of those have became fade and gave up hope. But the officials of the Ministry and BMET are hopeful.
 “It is time to be hopeful about manpower exports. The media should publish positive news on the sector. It is because, the number of overseas employments is increasing sharply. 80 thousand of workers were sent to different countries only last January. This pace will continue,” Begum Samsunnahar said it.
She said it yesterday while congratulating the newly elected leaders of Journalists Forum on Migrations (JFM) in her office in the capital. Monir Hossain, the President of JFM and other leaders were present.
The secretary also expressed her hope that this month would be the milestone for the sector.
Meanwhile the Director General of BMET and Additional Secretary Md. Salim Reza said, “The year of 2017 will be the very shinning year for manpower export sector.”
He said it in his office in a view exchange meeting with the leaders of JFM yesterday.
The DG also said that different training programmes for the export oriented manpower were going on. Apart from these, the officials are taking different measures to prevent harassments of the recruiting agencies. They hope that the positive results of those measures will spring in one year, he added.
JFM President Monir Hossain and others were present.
Besides, sources of Bangladesh High Commission of Kuala Lampur said, around seven thousand demand letters from Malaysia’s recruitment agencies have already been sent to the Director General of BMET server. They said that a flight will fly to Kuala Lampur with workers in any day of this month.
Malaysian government on 2015 announced that the companies of the country will recruit more than 15 lakh job seekers from Bangladesh. Since then many of recruiting agencies of Bangladesh were seen active in this field.
