Manna’s teletalk leaked !


An audio tape of a long telephone conversation purportedly between BNP leader Sadeque Hossain Khoka and Nagarik Oikya Convenor Mahmudur Rahman Manna has been leaked, where the latter can be heard asking for corpses.Manna is a former Awami League leader who later broke away to form the Nagarik Oikya and the tape apparently reveals the true motive behind Manna’s push for a dialogue to find a solution to the current political impasse.His stated ambition is to make the Nagarik Oikyo the ‘third most important party’ in Bangladesh.In the audio tape, Manna briefs Khoka, now living in the US for eight months, about his plans to take out a march from National Press Club on Feb 23.Following that, he advices Khoka to ‘tell your people’ to go in for a massive showdown at the Dhaka University.”If possible take over a few halls in a huge head-on confrontation. Maybe a few will die on both sides but if a few halls can be taken over, it will shake up the government,” Manna is heard advising Khoka.But the BNP leader is found to be somewhat reluctant, fearing huge subsequent police action.Throughout the conversation, Manna is asking Khoka to ‘tell your people’ to join Nagarik Oikya programmes.”It will strengthen the democratic movement at the end of the day,” Manna is heard telling Khoka.He also reassures the BNP leader of the edge anti-government and pro-movement elements have in the TV talk shows.”We are dominating the talk shows. We have put the government on the defensive,” Manna is heard telling Khoka.Another report says, An audio clip of leaked telephone conversation indicates Nagarik Oikya Convenor Mahmudur Rahman Manna is keen on paving the way for military intervention in Bangladesh. He recently made headlines by warning of a military takeover unless the government had dialogue with the BNP to end the political crisis.Manna, a former Awami League leader, can be heard in the audio clip telling someone on the phone about his intentions.A copy of the audio conversation is available with person at the other end of the phone thanked Manna for calling him. “After all, a man of your stature has given me call,” he said.He claimed being associated with the Jan 11, 2007 military takeover.They can be heard discussing plans to meet two top army officers.Manna, who has been strongly pushing for a dialogue, did not directly deny the conversation.”I can’t exactly recall this” – was what he told
