Manikganj boat makers now busy as monsoon brings in good business

UNB, Manikganj :
Boat makers in the district now have little time to waste as they are awfully busy making boats, a widely used vessel in rural areas during monsoon.
The demand for various types of small-sized boats has gone up here with the rise in water level in different rivers and subsequent flooding.
The demand for Dingi and Khosa Nauka (small boat) has increased for regular movement of people in flood-prone areas here.
Different boat haats in the district, including Ghior haat in Gior upazila, are now abuzz with boat buyers.
Buyers from outside the district, including Savar and Aminbazar of Dhaka, throng Ghior haat to buy boats.
Talking to UNB, boat makers Alhamas and Shekhar Chand of Ghior haat said their boats are made of different types of timbers and their prices vary depending on the quality of timbers.
A normal quality boat is sold at Tk 2,500 to 3,000 while a good quality one at Tk 4,000 to 5,000.
Normally, the making cost of a normal quality boat is Tk 1,800 to 2,000 while it takes Tk 3,500 to 4,000, for making a good quality one, they said.
Another boat maker, Nilkamal Sutradhar of Ghior haat, said he started making boats this time when the monsoon set in and he along with some workers of his factory can make five to six boats a day.
Like him, 30-35 boat makers are building boats in this haat and they can make and sell over 100 boats a week, he added.
Abed Mia, a customer and a farmer from a low-lying area of Charbinora village, said water is now around his home and he needs a boat to get out of his house and for his regular movement.
He came to buy a boat at Ghior Haat but found the price is higher compared to last year’s.