Managing emotions for good health

Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
Feeling, fear, emotion are human instincts. All men are devien with such instincts. Feeling arises from brain and it transmits through the process of transformation, conduction and radiation. Feeling is a by product of brain and from feeling we get its by product as emotion, fear, anger, love, sympathy effection etc. Feeling, fear and emotion with all these one’s mental state is assessed. Mind of every man is read or calculated with those by-products of brain. But their degree of nature varies from man to man. That’s why we find low and high ratings of anger, love and feelings in diferent man in diferent situations. Again some man are highly emotional and some are less emotional. Those also depend on genetic or physoilogical phenomenon. Normally an angry father or mother gives birth to a angry son or daughter but it is not an established rule or formula. Some where the picture is reverse. A strong body builder has a very physically week boy or girl. An angry person gives birth to a tamed and very soft minded child. There are other factors, family environment, social, political as well institutional. There are different states of mind, emotion is one of them. We can know other mind by emotion. It has its physiological, psychological and philosophical impact in human life. Many ups & downs have been taking place by emotions. Cases of allienations have occured and again our liberation war of 1971. Came from the sprit of emotion.  
Everyone knows that the mind evokes certain automatic responses from the body. Think about food and you salivate. Words or thoughts can prepare sexual organs for function and cause a blush or goose-flesh. But more serious effects can be wrought by emotion. Take the case of one female Mrs. Swapna from our society. Four times she had conceived a child but miscarried. On her fifth pregnancy, the obstetrician asked her how she felt about motherhood. She learned that, though she wanted a child, girlhood tales of the rigors of labor had terrified her. The doctor decided to let her talk out her fears at each prenatal visit. With no other treatment. Swapna delivered a healthy full-term baby.
Researchers at the University of Colorado have said that a woman fearful of pregnancy might, after weeks or months of carrying a baby, produce special hormones of a type normally produced only at the end of pregnancy. They cause contractions, dilate the opening of the cervix and bring about birth. Indeed, many women like Swapna, who habitually miscarry, may need only a little office counseling to carry a child to term.
Sudden changes in life are often found to precede illness. In one study of patients with a wide range of ailments, three out of four were found to have recently suffered some major loss- loved ones, jobs, homes. Even apparently pleasant changes, such as a trip abroad, can cause trouble. The tourist who complains about foreign food or water would probably be wiser to blame the tension of being in a strage place. Moreover, susceptibility to minor illnesses, such as colds, may be caused by small emotional stresses.
Are doctors other than psychiatrists really able to handle such emotional problems? Numerous experiences show that they are. And some medical schools now are offering short courses in office psychiatry to their graduates. Most physicians cannot devote an hour to talk with a patient as psychiatrists do. But so long a time has been found unnecessary in treating most patients with psychogenic illness. They need, primarily, re-assurance that their ills can be dealt with.
As doctors learn to incorporate the new knowledge of psychogenic illness into their work, some of the responsibility, as always, must rest with the patient. He should make an effort to protect himself when he knows that stress has made him vulnerable. He can help the doctor by telling him when emotional upheaval has preceded or accompanied an illness. He should be completely frank about his angers and fears, his frustrations and losses. The heroic view that “everything is just fine” may be good manners with a friend, but it is poor judgment when it is your doctor who wants to know.
The notion that sudden death can be traced to such trauma has a long and persistent history. As far back as written records exist, people are described as dying suddenly while in the throes of fear, rage, grief, humiliation or joy. In the first century A. D., the Roman emperor Nerve reportedly died of “a violent excess of anger” against a senator who had offended him. Pope Innocent IV is said to have succumbed suddenly because of the “morbid effects of grief upon his system” from the disastrous overthrow of his army by the Sicilian king Manfred.
When we analyze the circumstances surrounding these deaths, four categories emerged. The most common & noted deaths involved an exceptionally traumatic disruption of a close human relationship or the anniversary of the loss of a loved one. Fifty-seven of these deaths were immediately preceded by the collapse or death- often abrupt- of a loved one. Some survivors were reported to have cried out that they could not go on without the deceased. Many were in the midst of some frantic activity- attempting to revive the loved one or get help- when they, too, succumbed.
The second most common circumstance preceding death- cited in many noted cases- was a situation of personal danger with threat of injury or loss of life, including fights, struggles or attacks. An elderly man, for example, locked accidentally in a public laboratory, died while struggling to free himself. In another case, two close friends had argued violently. No blows were struck, but one man collapsed and died. The second, who had a history of heart disease, became acutely short of breath and died soon afterward.
The third category- sudden death in the wake of disappointment, failure, defeat, loss of status or self-esteem- accounted for many news items. A 59-year-old college president, obliged to relinquish his post under pressure from his board of trustees, was stricken at the inauguration of his successor. Six prominent citizens died while involved in criminal proceedings or facing charges themselves.
While death under circumstances such as grief, fright or failure may not be particularly astonishing, a number of people in the fourth and final category died at times of triumph, after achieving some long-sought goal, or after joyous reunions and “happy endings.”
A 55-year old man died as he met his 88-year-old father after a 20-year separation, The father then dropped dead. ! 75-year-old woman died suddenly after a happy week of renewing ties with her family, which she had left behind 60 years earlier. A 75-year-old man who hit the twin double for $ 1683 on a $2 bet died as he was about to cash in his winning ticket.
By the spirits and power of emotion, men are achiving success. One becoming a renowned doctor, poet, scientist, pilot and world famous leader by their strong emotional power. In their cases, the emotion is in control.
But there are the reversed picture of emotion. It kills many valuable lives which have been discussed above. They have failed to control the emotion. So there are many asending and desending phenomena of life which aries from emotion and by its better management we can manage and maintain a better health. Better health related to body, mind and soul. So emotion control and management are the preconditions for a sound body and mind.