Managers play key role in HR development


Dr. Muhammad Omar Foysal :
The development, goodwill and uniqueness of an organization depend on the proper empowerment of human resources. The major responsibility of a manager is to achieve the ultimate goal of organization by ethical progression, skillfulness in information technology and service oriented mentality. The success and failure of an organization highly depends on the implementation of the realistic decisions taken by the manager. The managers experiences, integrity and far sight power accelerates the organization towards goal.
HRD refers to selection, recruitment, promotion, training, motivation and maintenance of an organization which leads to achieve the targeted benchmark and set a realistic promise. The tactful and pragmatic decision channelizes the workers to become a promising workforce. For the organizations’ benefit managers must make necessary changes and addition which raise awareness of the workers. There is no alternative of change management to maintain the brand and globalize the organization. A skilled manager thinks beyond the box and he always keep contingency plan for the emergency.
An experienced manager is a valuable asset of organizations. Proper guidance and leadership of a manager can help to develop the human resources in balanced manner. The managers responsibility is to create a suitable environment to get involve the employees to increase the productivity by transforming their hidden talent, inherent power, inner abilities, prior experiences, knowledge, skill and attitudes. Then the workforce will rescued from obscuring quicksand of darkness. He will introduce his workforce to new and innovative ideas and simultaneously adsorb new ideas from them. He will merge every employee into a powerful team. Hanry Fort says:
Coming together is beginning
Keeping together is progress
Working together is success.
Basically HRD is emphasizing on gathering knowledge, proper utilization of resources and leading a healthier life. It is a vital task of a manager to justify the personality, taste, skillfulness, obedience, family tradition, educational eligibility and other qualities in balanced way thus he can decentralize the workforce and distribute the task among them. Every workforce should transform into an economical entity. According to Haward, every human being is an economic entity and it will be the only hope in deplorable times.
The organization success is partially depends on the deliberate workability of the workers. Motivation is the best weapon to inspire the workforce to work and increase the productivity. There is a proverb that you can bring the horse close to the pond but you cannot force it to drink. Similarly without motivation targeted outcome cannot be ensured we can only involve them busy with machine, material and various activities. Managers should lead his role like a wise and contemporary administrator. According to Sidney Lenier, a wise administrator lead his role according to the time demand.
In the present world English is not only a leading language but also a special technique. Without the knowledge of this language it is very tough to transform the man into skilled resources. Managers must run some initiative for the incensement of English language of their employers. Managers should be introduced himself generous and positive to prepare his employees ready to show the hidden talent and use them in an effective way.
Punctuality, affection for the organization, inspiration and managers proper guidelines can make the employee more creative and innovative. Warren Buffet believes that the people who get the good company, proper education and earn experiences and if those people are strategic, has the decision making power, perseverance and then success cannot be hidden for a long time.
Companies are facing various challenges for the globalization and rapid change of the technologies. Competing with these challenges managers should create a sound working environment and give them encouragement.Managers must ensure the advanced computer training to uplift their career. By the work rotation confidence is increased among the employee. Their services are becoming defect less and perfect. All types of skills are increased.
Managers are making their employees enthusiastic by consequences rather than direct orders. They have strong supervision thus they can protect their organization from all unfair means. According to J.P. Kemble, development is related with enormous education for long-term objective. Manager should be a versatile reader and also has the mentality to know more. The manager must learn from the skilled professionals who are wisest. The employee should be properly recognized.
As it is an inherent expectation of all human being. The prime requisite of motivating employees is to be friendly with them and respecting their views. The managers have to take different initiatives to self development and ensure job satisfaction.
Job satisfaction is gained when there is a balanced rewarding system for their desired performance. The elements of the job satisfaction are congenial work environment, types of work, salary and benefits, friendly relationship among the coworkers and well defined management system.
Social progress is the major goal of HRD. Now a day the human resource is not only a unique element but also the essential asset. The HRD depends on the constructive decisions of an efficient manager.
(Dr. Muhammad Omar Foysal is a Banker, [email protected])
