Man to die for killing his brother’s wife

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court yesterday (Sunday) sentenced a man to death in a case filed for killing his brother’s wife after raping her nine years ago.
Judge Tanjena Ismail of the Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal-5 of Dhaka pronounced the verdict on Sunday afternoon. The court also sentenced convict Md Alamgir to 14 years, rigorous imprisonment in the case. Moreover, he was fined Tk one lakh, in default, he will suffer two years more in prison.
The court also convicted Alamgir’s friends, Rahid Hassan Milon and Ripon in the incident and sentenced them to 14 years in the prison. They were fined Tk 20,000 each, in default
they will also suffer another year in the imprisonment. Of the convict Milon is on the run.
Alamgir and his friends kidnapped his sister-in-law, Shumi Akhter, while she was going to a hospital for medical check-up on July 14, 2006. Later, they gang-raped her, and dumped the body in the Ichhamoti river after slaughtering her.