Man ‘kills brother for property’

A Correspondent :
A man was beaten to death allegedly by his younger brother following a family feud over properties in Raozan upazila of Chittagong on Thursday night.
The deceased, Mohin Uddin, 54, son of late Ishaq Mia, lived in Kodolpur area of Raozan.
Raozan Police Station Officer-in-Charge Kefayet Ullah said Mohin and his younger brother, Mannan, had been at loggerheads over the family’s properties for a long time.
They had an altercation at a meeting which was called by their co-villagers for settling the feud, said the OC.
At one stage, Mannan hit Mohin in the head with a stick, he added.
Later, Mohin was declared dead at Chittagong Medical College Hospital around 8:00pm on the day, said Assistant Sub-inspector Alauddin Talukdar of CMCH police outpost.
The body was sent to the CMC morgue for an autopsy.
Mannan is on the run, said OC Kefayet.