Man held with 42 gold bars at HSIA

Staff Reporter :
Customs officials in a drive arrested a man along with 42 gold bars weighing around five kilograms worth around Tk 2.4 crore from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) on Sunday night.
The arrested man has been identified as Zahirul Islam, 34, customs official said.
AHM Ahsanul Kabir, Assistant Commissioner of Customs Intelligence and Investigation Department (CIID), said, “The gold bars were found after searching the body of Zahirul in the Green Channel area at around 11:45pm.”
Zahirul reached Dhaka from Dubai by an Emirates Airways flight at about 11:00pm, the AC said.
He was being interrogated in this connection, the customs official said. A case was filed with the Airport Police Station, he said.