Man gets life term for raping girl in Kushtia

BSS, Kushtia :
A court here on Tuesday sentenced life-term imprisonment to a man for raping a schoolgirl in Sadar upazila in 2017.
Judge of Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal Munshi Md Moshiar Rahman handed down the verdict to Jafirul Islam alias Palok, 30, a resident at Bherakhali village in Harinakunda upazila of Jhenaidah district.
The court also fined him Taka one lakh.
According to the prosecution, on July 21, 2017 Jafirul abducted the 12-year- old schoolgirl from her village in the evening and raped her in a banana orchard overnight.
The girl’s family members found her senseless in the next morning. Victim’s father filed a case with Islamic University Thana following the incident.
Police submitted charge sheet against Jafirul on December 12 of the same year.