Man gets 14-yr jail for abducting schoolgirl in Chuadanga

UNB, Chuadanga :
A tribunal here on Tuesday sentenced a young man to 14 years’ imprisonment for abducting a schoolgirl from Memnagar village in Damurhuda upazila in 2014.
The convict, Tutul Hossain, 24, is son of Nowshad Ali of Choygharia village in the upazila.
According to the prosecution, Tutul used to harass the girl on her way to school from home. As the girl refused his love offer, some young men, including Tutul, abducted the girl on her way to school on August 8, 2014.
Later, the father of the victim filed a case against four people with Damurhuda Police Station on August 12.
Police then conducted a drive and arrested Tutul. They also rescued the victim from an abandoned place on August 18, 2014.
On October 28, 2014, police submitted a chargesheet against two people.
After examining records and witnesses, Judge of the District Women and Children Repression Prevention tribunal Zia Haider handed down the verdict.
He, however, acquitted another accused as the allegations brought against him could not be proved.