Man beaten to death in city

Staff Reporter :
A man was beaten to death in front of Taher Tower in the city’s Gulshan area on Wednesday.
The deceased has been identified as Saber Hossain, 50, a resident of Pallabi in the capital. He was a book seller.
Two people were arrested in this connection. They were identified as Ali Noor and Humayun Ahmed, employees of
Original General Store, police said.
Witnesses said locals found Saber was unconscious in front of Taher Tower and informed it to police. He was rushed to Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) where the on duty doctors declared him dead.
The arrestees said to police that they beat up Saber on charge of stealing.
But the family of the deceased denied the allegation.
Gulshan Police Station’s Officer-in-Charge (OC) Rafiqul Islam confirmed the matter.