Man arrested on rape charge

A Correspondent :
Police on Monday arrested a man in Chittagong city’s Chandgaon area on charges of raping a schoolgirl the day before.
Mohammad Azad, 32, from the city’s Bolirhat lured the 14-year-old to the house of one of his neighbours at Napiter Para and raped her there, said Shahin Bhuiyan, sub-inspector of Bakalia Police Station.
There was nobody at the house during the incident, said the SI.
The girl, a tenth-grader, was sent to the One Stop Crisis Centre at Chittagong Medical College Hospital for medical tests, said the SI.
The girl’s mother filed a case with the police station accusing Azad, also an accused in an extortion case, said the officer.
After the rape incident, Azad went into hiding, said the SI, adding that he was arrested following an overnight drive.