Man arrested for violating minor girl in Laxmipur

UNB, Laxmipur :
Police held a man in a case for violating a minor girl from Moju Chowdhury Hat area in Sadar upazila on Friday.
The arrestee was identified as Delwar Hossain, son of Safu Mia of Maddo Charmoni Mohan village in the upazila. Quoting locals, officer-in charge of Sadar Police Station Abdullah Al Mamun said Delawar allegedly violated the minor girl on her way to a nearby bazar in the morning.
Locals rescued the girl after hearing her screams and sent her to Laxmipur Sadar Hospital. However, rapist Delwar managed to flee from the scene.
Later, father of the victim filed a case with Sadar Police Station against Delwar in the afternoon.
After the filing of the case, police conducted a drive in the area and arrested the accused on Friday evening.