Man arrested for killing pregnant wife at Gournadi


Barishal Correspondent :
The two- month pregnant housewife Samapti Som (26), was allegedly killed by kicking and pouring poison on her mouth for a dowry of Tk 20,000 in Jangalpatti village of Mahilara union under the Gournadi upazila of Barishal district.
The incident took place in on early Wednesday. Police detained husband Asim Som (32) on Wednesday afternoon for questioning. They have a 5-year-old daughter
According to the relatives of the deceased, 11 years ago, Asim Som, son of Sunil Som of Jangalpatti village of Gournadi upazila, socially married to Samapti Som, daughter of Swapan Bishwas of Sutarbari village of Agailjhara upazila.
At the time of marriage, the family of the bride gave the bridegoom two and a half tola gold ornaments and 40,000 taka as dowry.
The deceased’s brother Sagar Biswas (22) complained that since the marriage, brother-in-law Asim Som used to physically and mentally torture my sister, demanding dowry.
Recently my gave son in law Asim about three lakh taka in several installments to buy a fridge, pay the debt (loan) and build a betel-leaf plant.
Brother-in-law Asim sent my sister Samapti to father’s house on September 7 for getting dowry of Tk 20,000 to repair the betel-leaf plantation.
My sister went to her husband’s house on Tuesday (September 13) afternoon without taking the demanded dowry of Tk. 20 thousand.
However after not getting the demanded dowry, my sister was kicked, beaten and punched on Tuesday night, rendering her unconscious.
After that, the sister’s husband and father-in-law put poison in the mouths of Samapti and the in-laws took the deceased to Gourandi Upazila Health Complex and the doctor on duty sent her to Barishal Sher E Bangla Medical College Hospital.
On Wednesday early morning at around 3.30 am, the on-duty doctor declared her dead when she was taken to Barishal SBMCH in a critical condition.
Sagar Bishwas alleged that his sister Samapti was killed to demand dowry.
Sagar further said that after receiving my written complaint, Gournadi Police Station Inspector (Investigation) Helaluddin and Sub Inspector Md Ilyas visited the spot and arresting his sister-in-law Asim Som, brought him to the police station.
Gournadi Police Station Inspector (Investigation) Helaluddin said that the postmortem of the deceased’s body was completed Wednesday afternoon at Barishal Sher E Bangla Hospital Morgue. A written complaint has been received in this regard.
Husband Asim Som has been brought to the police station for questioning. Inspector (Investigation) Helaluddin said legal action will be taken subject to investigation.
