Malta’s independence day celebrated in Dhaka

Economic Reporter :
The 52nd anniversary of the independence of Malta was celebrated at the Lakeshore Hotel in the city recently, according to a press release.
On that special occasion, Consul of Malta to Dhaka, M. Shoeb Chowdhury and his spouse Dr and Jesmin Chowdhury hosted a gala reception while Home Minister Advocate Asaduzzaman Khan MP was present as the chief guest.
Dignitaries from different embassies in Dhaka including Russia, China, Japan and other distinguished guests, Ministers, Members of the Parliament, politicians, business leaders, media representatives, academicians, high government officials also attended the function.
Home Minister in his speech said, “Malta is a small country but it has rich history and culture. The island-state of Malta is located in the Mediterranean Sea and it consists of three beautiful islands. Malta and Bangladesh are fortunate to have many things in common. ‘Maltese’ is an ancient and beautiful language like Bangla.”