Male organ of young cut while trying to rape in Bagerhat


Bagerhat Correspondent :
A debauched young man named Zillal Shaikh (38), son of one Motaleb Shaikh of village Pranpur within Barabaria Union Parishad under Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district lost his male organ while he tried to commit rape on a housewife (38) of the same village on Sunday night forcibly, according to a delayed report received here.
It is reported that at the night the young man took the housewife in an adjacent garden very tactfully where he was trying to commit rape on her forcibly. She tried her best to resist the debauched. But finding no other alternative she cut off the male organ of the debauched tactfully with a sharp blade in order to protect her chastity.
 At that time both of them cried out for help. On hearing the cries some locals rushed to the spot, recovered the seriously injured young man and admitted him to Chitalmari Upazila Health Complex for treatment. But considering the gravity of the injuries he was shifted from there to Khulna Medical College Hospital for better treatment.
In this connection the relatives of the young man complained that the incident had been done in a preplanned away in order to get him into a scrape. But Md. Rezaul Karim, Officer-in-charge of Chitalmari PS admitted the fact and told, the housewife lodged a GD (General Diary) with the PS.
