Women empowerment: Male dominated pol culture needs to be changed

Staff Reporter :
Speakers at a seminar opined that empowerrment of women in real sense is yet not happend though their participation has been increased in different sectors getting high-level posting in some important jobs.
In fact, the elected women representatives did not get necessary power at different tiers of
local government as it’s a matter of political decision. And so, the male dominated political culture must be changed to empower the women, they said.
They made the above observation at a seminar arranged by the Nari Pragoti Sanga held at Jatiya Press Club on Thursday with its Executive Director Rokeya Kabir in the chair.
Dr Aynun Nahar, Professor of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, presented the key-note paper at the seminar.
Among others, Member Secretary of Legal Aid Committee Shahidul Islam Nizami and Deputy Director of Ain O Shalish Kemndra Rawshan Jahan Parveen, were present at the occassion.